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In my opinion, I love it when my man put his finger into the vagina. I like it when we have sexual intercourse.

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Q: Do girls like the finger and the tongue at the same time above all else?
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What else can activate touchpad beside your finger?

your tongue can

Why do girls get tongue studs?

Girls, like anyone else, may choose to get tongue studs for reasons such as self-expression, aesthetics, and personal style. Some may also find tongue studs aesthetically pleasing or enjoy the sensation it provides during activities like kissing. Ultimately, the decision to get a tongue stud is a personal choice and varies from individual to individual.

What else is mallet finger called?

Mallet finger is sometimes called baseball finger.

Why is it rumored that girls do not fart in popular culture?

It is rumored that girls do not fart in popular culture because it is considered rude and above all else unattractive to think of a woman performing that action.

How do you tell your mom your a by sexual but when you talk to her about it and she says your not attrated to other girls but you poss and she says im not prepared to talk to you about it what to do?

talk to someone else your better than that! slap that kunt and tell her to finger herself

What does a kiss with no tongue mean?

it means that you are into the person but not into them unff to give tham tounge!!!!!!!!! -Alright, NO, that is very, very wrong... and you spelled tongue wrong when it is right above you.... Anyway, a kiss without tongue can actually be made just as passionate as a kiss with tongue, but you kinda have to know what you're doing. A kiss without tongue has nothing to do with whether or not you are into the person, it just isn't really appealing to you to essentially, "shove your tongue into someone else's mouth" whether the shoving is done gently and slowly or not. It just isn't the guy/girl's style, that is all.

Does putting your pinkie finger mean cursing in Chinese?

no cursing with your middle finger in america will be the same anywhere else

How old do you have to be to get a tongue piercing in Missouri?

18 (like everywhere else)

How do you get a wedgie if you are a girl?

A 'Wedgie' refers to someone yanking someone else's underwear or panties high above their outerwear. A wedgie works the same way on girls and boys.

When was Morality Above All Else created?

Morality Above All Else was created in 1937.

Why do you have swirls on your finger?

I don't have fingers or swirls. Can I help you with something else?

What is the girls sensitive sexual area?

physically, for most girls their breasts are very sensitive. Everywhere else is about the same as everyone else.