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Q: Do girls have the same organisms like boys?
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Why do girls lie to boys?

For the same reasons girls lie to boys. Either they like him/her

Why do girls like girls whats wrong in their brain?

For the same reason that boys like boys. There is nothing wrong with their brain

Do boys like girls if they are gay?

no if they like boys and girls they r by though

Y girls like sex?

same reason boys like it..

Why do boys act like that?

They are the same as girls when it comes to relationships.

Did Victorian boys and girls learn the same subjects?

No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.

Do girls like boys as much as boys like girls?

no because boys don't have the same thoughts as girls they don't think about us they think about games maybe once or twice a day they would think about us

Do girls like boys with hazel eyes?

A majority yes but then again not all girls are the same .

Is it natural for girls to like older boys?

yes, it's perfectly normal for girls like older boys especially 2 years and up. Girls mature 2 years faster than boys, so therefore girls that are dating boys older are maturity the same age.

Are there any boys that will like you because you aren't popular like those giggling girls?

Yes. All boys are not the same, and they don't all like the same things. If you are more serious-minded than other girls, you are probably more attractive to more mature boys.

Why is boys atracted to boys?

either boys like being pampered like girls or they just giv eup with girls and have the same gender relationship becaus emen kno wat other men feel

Why should boys and girls go to the same school?

Cuz Its Fun Like that