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not more attractive, but it helps to show if your interested. dont look at there feet when you speak to them. Dont stare though, cos that might freak them out :P not more attractive, but it helps to show if your interested. dont look at there feet when you speak to them. Dont stare though, cos that might freak them out :P

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Q: Do girls find you more attractive when you look them directly in the eye?
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you get girls to think your attractive make yourself look like a take a shower a everyday. but also give them that dirty look. also the most important rule BE YOURSELF GIRLS HATE FAKE GUYS.

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Some girls notice looks, others notice personality. Universally girls aren't known for liking nerds. or bullies etc.If you have a sister or a good girl friend then ask her what she thinks is your most attractive feature. But dont go way over the top with it, or else she will think you like her

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hun,not every girls look for a athlete or perfect ten..youll find most girls once they get to know you will like you for whats inside and im sure your a perfectly loving man..hope i have helped

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Where a tight shirt to start

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It depends on the girl. Some girls find it attractive, while others find it a big turn-off. If you're trying to impress a girl, look first at how she acts, and try to use some of her same mannerisms.

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girls look attractive when they dress nice, don't act sluty, and use their head A nice body and face wouldn't hurt either dont act slutty, if you wear make up then dont use to much, smile, look confident etc.

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Boys look for thin girls, if tall al the better, and yes she should be smart.