No, and most never go for therapy because they don't feel they need it and every problem they have is always someone else's fault. They are about mind-bending control, cruel, self-centered and mean. They enjoy controlling their victims. People who abuse are actually spineless wonders because they pick on those that don't have the strength physically or emotionally to deal with them. A male abuser of a woman seldom will pick a fight with a man. If another man goes after an abusive male for hitting his g/f or wife, the abuser is basically chicken! Many abusers are chameleons and are nice when others are around and miserable to their victim(s)while some abusers play mind-games with their victims right out in the open in front of family or at parties. Most people miss the mind-games, but the victim gets the point.
Change in abusers is VERY VERY VERY rare, if ever. Forgiveness is a process. The abused must forgive THEMSELVES first & foremost. It's impossible to forgive someone who doesn't own, apologize and change permanently.
Posibally but posibally not if it happens even once more get help or get help now. This is for your own safty.May God be with you!
by her own emotional response to it
Cutting is something people do to themselves to get relief from emotional pain. The physical pain being inflicted is a distraction from the larger mental issues. This needs to be dealt with by a professional psychologist. Do not try to make your friend stop on your own. Get someone in authority to get them professional help.
You never stop listening to your parents. But you can stop doing EVERYTHING they say when your living on your own, out of school, not using their money.
Yes, they might hit you because they are drunk. Do not ever try to fight him or stop him unless you are 100% sure of what you're doing, and that is extremly rare. It is stupid in the extreme to even TRY to stop him.
You need to develop your own life and own interests outside of her for your own mental and emotional health.
The level of intelligence and the overall health status is the basis of the emotional maturity.
What? Just... no, not ever
To own a place of their own and be their own bosses. They want to stop working for other people and have their own farm and raise their own food. They want to own their own piece of land and stop having to travel where the work is.
It is common for abusers to look down on people for whatever reason. It is common for abusers to assume the high moral ground. And it is common for abusers to feel jealous but castigate jealousy in others.Decrying in others your own traits, emotions and behaviors is called "projection". It is a defense mechanism.Yes, this is very common when dealing with those with BPD/NPD mental disorders. It takes a very strong know your own self person to stand against the storm of slander and abuse that will come your way as the victim upon breaking all ties from such persons.
It allows them to justify their actions in their own minds. It's usually an indication of paranoia and a warning to get out of there.