That is dependent on the girl herself. Many girls do enjoy having breasts for various reasons.
It is all a matter of opinion. Like guys girls find certain things sexy. It is all just what they like. However recent searches show that girls find sexy guys sexy, unless they are lesbians, in which case they find sexy girls sexy
I can answer this! I'm sexy because I have such a sexy. When I mean sexy, I mean sexy body! All the middle school girls want me.
Im pretty sure
Not all girls have big breasts. Well girls bodys difer then boys do. its just like extra skin....
Well if you mean on the top half of them then it's called the breasts and if you mean the lower part then it's called the vagina.
sexy breasts
Girls may have small breasts but they are still girl breasts.
Well, a sexy romantic personality, a want for passionate sex, large breasts, a sexy ass, and a want in women to suck the man's penis are all things that men look for in women. Well, a sexy romantic personality, a want for passionate sex, large breasts, a sexy ass, and a want in women to suck the man's penis are all things that men look for in women.
I reckon they all have different preferences. If all guys liked one type, then wouldn't all the taken girls look the same?
kiss on both breasts are the great show LOVE, hot affectionate and sexy passionate
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Girls develop breasts so when they have a baby, they are able to breastfeed. During pregnancy the breasts get larger and fill with milk to feed the baby. Those are the main reasons girls develop breasts.