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No, but some may target insecure women.

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Q: Do abusive men target obese women?
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Related questions

Can men love an obese woman?

Men can love an obese woman, and indeed, there are some men who prefer obese women.

Why are men abusive and insecure and yet women are not?

This is a generalisation, and a highly incorrect one at that. Women can be, are just as abusive and insecure as men. Many men are not abusive and are quite secure with themselves - the opposite is in fact a minority.

Who is more likely to become obese Men or women?

men definatley men

Is it more common for men or women to be abusive?

Men, unfortunately.

Are women more abusive or men?


Why there are many obese woman than man?

Actually there are consistently more obese men than women.

Do obese or fat women have a lower IQ than obese or fat men do?

Obesity has nothing to do with IQ.

Who is more abusive women or Men?

Men, because they are stronger than a women when they are a adult. It would depend on what you mean by abusive, as women can be more abusive verbally, which could result in a man getting physical. Cases where women are physically abusive, don't tend to be reported, as it is embarrassing for a man, also many believe they wouldn't be taken seriously.

Difference between misses and men XL clothing?

one's for women and one's for obese men...?

Why do woman abuse women?

Some women (like men) can be abusive to ANYONE - including other women.

In the over 25 age group which percentage of men and women are obese?

From the Australia's Health 2006 survey, 19% of men and 22% of women aged 25 years and over were obese and an additional 48% of men and 30% of women were overweight in 1999-2000. In another survey conducted by the World Health Organisation, they estimated that 75.7% of men and 66.5% of women in Australia would be overweight by 2010 (this year). They also estimated that 28.4% of men and 29.1% of women in Australia would be obese by this year.

What percent of women are obese?

Women whose body fat exceeds 30% and men whose body fat exceeds 25% are generally considered obese.