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dissdvantages: if the boy says no then u will b the one sad and he really wont care.

advatages: if he says yes thrn u will always be the one to remind him how u made the 1st move...

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Q: Disadvantage and advantage of girls asking the boys out?
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Would you agree girls asking boys out?

no i don't agree because it is weird when the girls ask out the boys. the boys are the one who are supost to ask out the girls not the girls asking out the boys. that is not how it work.

How many girls want to play on the same sports team as boys?

I would say that it would depend on the sport in question. In some sports, sex of the players is of no advantage/disadvantage. Otherwise, the question is to vague for a real answer.

Why do boys joke around with asking girls to go out with them?

Because boys are Dumb and hurt peoples feelings or make girls laugh

What are the advantages of the girls to the boys?

According to two Vanderbilt University researchers, girls have an advantage over boys in timed tests. Boys scored poorly in all tests that were intended to measure processing speed.

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Because the boys take advantage of the girls to have sex with in the night.

Do girls have it better then boys?

no this is what your should be asking to the person who made this question. are you a girl or a boy?

Why boys are important than girls?

because it's a different gender . if I asking you back , how much important of girls in you life ?

What do girls like from boys?

Girls like getting chocalte and flowers from boys and like spending time toghether we deffinatly like it when they ask us out instead of us asking them out

Why do the bad boys want good girls?

Hi They want good girls because they are the perfect one's to take home to Mom! reverse the question why do us girls always want the bad boys?

How are boys better than girls in your opinion?

They are not. Why did you bother asking this question? Everyone knows that girls are better than boys!Huh, they're not!!!I agree, GIRLS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!We have more tolerance, we are smarter and extremely misunderstood!

Can girls beat up boys?

Girls can beat up boys easily because if a boy punches a girl they lose almost all there dignity

Why are boys sing lower and girls sing higher?

Boys typically have longer vocal cords, which produce lower pitches when vibrating. Girls' vocal cords are shorter, resulting in higher pitched voices. Hormonal changes during puberty also play a role in the vocal development of males and females.