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yes they did. there was electricity to help with more of the household chores, giving families more leisure time.

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Q: Did teenagers in the 1920s spend more time with their families than in decades before?
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I'm pretty sure people had more jobs so they were able to pay for their houses.

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When does the book Petey take place?

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What impact did Walt Disney movies have on families in the 1920s?

Walt Disney did not make a full length film until "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in 1937.

What decade was before the Great Depression?

The 1920s came before the Great Depression.

What was the result of the problems plaguing the agricultural sector in the 1920s?

No problems plagued the agricultural sector in the 1920s. In the 1930s, that's something totally different: farms and farm families literally lost their farms because of the drought and inability to get any money from the crops they grew, if they could grow them.

What was the result of the problem plaguing the agricultural sector in the 1920s?

No problems plagued the agricultural sector in the 1920s. In the 1930s, that's something totally different: farms and farm families literally lost their farms because of the drought and inability to get any money from the crops they grew, if they could grow them.