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No.i seriously think that all the naruto couplings are crack,except for shikamaru and temari because they actually like each other,and masashi even said he liked the couple.

and....gaara doesnt like sakura,if he did he wouldent just ignore her.....i dont get why people put them together,iv heard people say ''oh shes like his uncle'' and ''well mabye she can help him open up more''

no,gaara needs his people,not a girlfriend,
gaara is better off by himself.

also,his uncle hated him,and gaara knows that,
he doesnt need ANYMORE people to hate him,
i wish people would stop putting them together
its disturbing.
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13y ago

Gaara doesnt have any known romantic feelings for any female in the series. He is upset when Sakura protects Sasuke, but that is for a completely different reason. Sakura reminded him of his uncle, and he was sick of people hating him.

AnswerIn part one of the series when Gaara was fighting naruto

Sakura stood in front of Sasuke to try to protect him and this reminded Gaara of his uncle, Yashamaru who protected the other kids from Gaara.

His uncle pretended to love him all the time but then he tried to kill Gaara and he confessed that he always hated him. This hurt Gaara so badly and was one of his greatest pains.

And people would say stuff like ''oh he tried to stop him self from hurting sakura''

don't believe that because that's NOT true,their all lies.....or the person is litterally full of **** when they pair them up, DO NOT DEFAME GAARA,seriously??Gaara would never fall for her ever..... im dead serious,id say he doesnt care about her AT ALL i mean he never ever talks about her, he completely ignores her.


From Tina: Well, he does care about her. He would protect her if she was laying half dead on the ground. Yeah, he doesn't have that kind of affection to a girl,but he does care and will protect certain ones like Temari,Sakura, and Matsuri. He probably didn't know what love was in the beginning episodes, but then farther in, he was caring and showed more love. When people pair them up, (This is another case, some of the pictures are real, some of them aren't.) they just think they look good together. Its anime fan pairing is what they call it. I still hope for Gaara to find a girl such as Sakura in the anime though.

YooshxD has improved the answer.

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13y ago

Gaara has a crush on Sakura

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