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If she wants to be selfish,you can be selfish too.

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Q: Daughter in law selfish with holidays?
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If your daughter is married to the son-in-law then no, you should not be insulted. However, if it's your daughter's sister that is invited then yes, you should feel left out.

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Being selfish is not against the law. All laws of the UK and the USA can be seen at the links in the Related Links area below.

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Your sister-in-law's daughter-in-law is not related to you but the daughter-in-law's daughter is your great niece. You are her great aunt (if you are a woman) or her great uncle (if you are a man).

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The possessive form of daughter-in-law is daughter-in-law's.Example: My daughter-in-law's name is Margaret.

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Daughter in law is the name given to your son's wife

How do you make daughter-in-law a possessive noun?

To make "daughter-in-law" possessive, you simply add an apostrophe and "s" at the end of the word: daughter-in-law's. For example, "My daughter-in-law's car is parked in the driveway."

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What is the plural word for daughter in law?

The plural of daughter-in-law is daughters-in-law.

Daughter in law in Spanish?

Spanish for daughter-in-law: nuera

What is your sister in law's daughter to you?

Your daughter-in-law's sister is not related to you, but is your son's sister-in-law.

What relation is your daughter's brother-in-law?

If your daughter's brother-in-law is the brother of your son-in-law he is not otherwise related to you.If your daughter's brother-in-law is husband of her sister, then he is your son-in-law.