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Q: Colonial parents would not allow their children to choose their own mates.?
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Would colonial parents allow their children to choose their mates?

no they would not they chose their mate for them.

Would Colonial parents allow their children to choose their own mates?

no they would not they chose their mate for them.

Why do couples choose to have more children?

Although large families are rare these days some people simply love children and will have as many children as they feel they can afford and some parents may even adopt or take in foster children. Then a few parents may keep having children because their religious beliefs may not allow them to use birth control.

Are there any teen boot camps in NY, that allow a tour for the parents?

Yes, there are teen boot camps in NY, that allow a tour for the parents. You can choose a list of them at

Should parents allow children to take part in extreme sports?

The extreme is to danger for the kids,so parents always worry about the children ,it's parents' duty to make their children be healthy,and in order to do this the parents always don't allow the kids to take part in extreme sports.As a child,you should understand your parents because of their love.

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Should parents allow guns in the house with small children?

no definately not!

Why do parents allow their children to watch inappropriate films?

they don't. its the children who insist. parents just capitulate because sooner or later, they are going to do it anyway.

What can you do if you are very lean and your girlfriend's parents are not accepting you?

You are not living to please her parents, they can't control you unless you allow them to. You have to choose between your happiness or theirs. =)

Is it a parents responsibility to ensure their children are bought up to be religious?

This ultimately depends on the beliefs and values of the parents. Some parents may feel it is their responsibility to raise their children in a specific religion, while others may choose to let their children explore and decide for themselves. Ultimately, it is important for parents to respect their children's autonomy and beliefs.

Do some parents allow their children to stay home all summer?

Absolutely! Some parents don't trust anyone but themselves to take care of their children, no matter what!

Why do parents do not allow thei r children to play with toy guns?

Fear and ingnorance.