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Q: Can your step father spank you with his hand?
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Can the biological father of his kids have something done to the step father if he spanks the kids?

No, the law states that he can spank the kids, as long as it is on the bottom and he is not beating the children. It is call discipline, and I know this from experience, if the stepfather is the one raising the kids, along with your ex, then he can spank them, it is not against the law.

Can a step-mother spank a child in Tennessee?

If the father has sole custody of a child, and agrees to let a step-mother spank his child then yes, she can. However, if there is joint custody it has to be an agreement between all parents, otherwise there can be legal repercussions.

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Is it illegal to spank a kid on the butt with your hand in mounds Illinois?

As long as it does not leave a mark......then yes. spank them if they need it!

Is it ok for a father to spank his gay adult son?

No. It is not okay for a parent to spank any adult child, gay or straight.

Do zookeepers spank their monkeys when they get out of hand?

No, but if they are out of hand they will move them from other monkeys (if they're bothering other monkeys)

Up to what age can a father spank his daughter?

In my opinion 12 year old is a limitation.

What is my step son but my father to me?

Your step son can be your father if he was previously married to your mother, making him your step father.

CAN YOU SPANk children in Florida?

As long as you use an open hand, and do it so that it does not leave a mark, it is fine

Is it possible to be your step fathers step father?

Yes. Your step-father is who he is to you because he married your mother. If you married his mother, you would be his step-father. Strange but true.

Can a mother claim support from the biological father and the step father for the same child?

A step father has no legal obligation to support a step child.

Can step father sue biological father for support even after order was vacated?

No. The step father has no legal standing on which to sue for child support.No. The step father has no legal standing on which to sue for child support.No. The step father has no legal standing on which to sue for child support.No. The step father has no legal standing on which to sue for child support.