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Some men find it hard to utter the words 'I love you', but it certainly doesn't mean they don't. You can tell if they love you by the way they treat you. A man can tell you 10 times a day he loves you, but sometimes that is called 'the silver tongue' and there is no real feelings behind it. I know my husband loves me, but he doesn't continue to tell me so several times a day and every day. If he treats you with kindness, respect, makes you laugh, is good to you and doesn't cheat on you then he probably loves you a great deal.

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Q: Can your boyfriend love you and never say the words i love you after four years together?
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If you've been together for two years and he's never said he loves you, I would wonder why. Have you asked him? It might be a good idea to communicate with him, letting him know that you've noticed that he hasn't said it. It's wonderful that his actions are loving, but a woman likes to be told now and then.

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what is your question?

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Be yourself :)Improvement; I am 20 years old. I am in a wheelchair. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14. I had my daughter when I was 17. My present Partner and I have been together for almost two years now.

Is it possible to have feelings for an ex boyfriend after 19 years?

Yes because love is never ending.

15 and never had a boyfriend?

Just because you are 15 years old does not mean you have to have a boyfriend. A 15 year old should be worried more about school.

Who is Oprah Winfreys husband?

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