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YES! Because the wife was legally wed in the U.S. and that makes her a citizen of the United States. It is still legit even if they divorce.

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Most places do not allow felons (which is why you are in prison) to become citizens.

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Q: Can you still obtain your citizenship even if your husband who is a US citizen is in jail?
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Can you still obtain your citizenship even if your husband who is a US citizen has a criminal background?

Yes, criminal backrounds have nothing to do with the fact two people were wed in the U.S. It legally makes them a citizen and is FOREVER binding.

If a Pakistani is being held by the INS and is in the process of being deported can he marry an American citizen so that he can obtain citizenship?

He can marry the US citizen but he won't gain citizenship through her n he will still b deported.

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Yes, you can apply for German citizenship and be a dual citizen regardless of the fact if your mother was still a German citizen or not.

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If you are a citizen of Rome, you have Italian citizenship, with all the rights and privileges that Italian citizenship encompasses.

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A wife is a citizen and she marry an immigrant is her husband now a citizen?

No. If he was illegal before, he's still illegal. He will need to go through the system to seek a green card. If he already has violated U.S. laws, he may never be able to seek citizenship.

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No, Philippines citizens lose their Philippines citizenship upon becoming a citizen of another country.

What happens if someone entered the country illegally marries a US citizen then that citizen dies?

They're still an illegal immigrant. Mariiage alone does not grant US citizenship to an illegal alien. The formal process of citizenship must still be completed.

If a person is married but never took the USA citizenship test do that still make them a US citizen?

No, they were never a citizen; marriage to a US citizen does not automatically make you a citizen. Marriage to a US citizen allows you the a reason to apply citizenship; of which the test is a part of the process. The USA citizenship test is only one of the steps to becoming a citizen; it does not grant you citizenship if you pass it. You still have to apply for citizenship and get through the process.If you want to become a citizen and have been married and never applied for citizenship, then all you have to do now is apply. There is no requirement for you to become a citizen, just because you are married to a citizen. You never have to apply if you don't want to become a citizen. No one will force you to become a citizen just because you are married to a citizen; it is totally a voluntary process. So, if you are concerned that you've been married for 25 years or whatever and you never bothered to apply for citizenship, and now you've decidecd you want to become a citizen, don't worry there is no penalty to wating this long. it has no barring upon your status; its not illegal or anything.

You were born in Canada you took out US citizenship in 1972 at the age of 17 Does Canada still recognize you as a Canadian Citizen?

yes The only way you can lose your Canadian citizenship is if it is revoked because it was obtain fraudulently, or if you renounce it formally in front of witnesses at a Canadian government office such as an embassy.

Can you still stop your ex husband from getting his citizenship?

Talk to an immigration lawyer.

Is david soul still in Britain?

He's a citizen, holding dual citizenship. He lives in London.