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i dont see why not just dont have any sexual content

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Q: Can you sleep with a 15 year old boy if your are a 16 year old girl?
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Can a 19 year old girl or boy and a 20 year old boy or girl sleep together?

Yes, you are both at the age where you can each give legal consent.

Is it ok for a 14 year old boy to sleep with a 14 year old girl?

If you mean to have sex, no, it is not okay. Both are below the age of consent.

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are you a boy or a girl and how old are you?

Is it illegal for a 15 year old girl and a 19 year old boy to sleep in the same bed if they are dating?

depends on how they are sleeping. Family, I would think not. It all depends on why and what you are going to do.

Are a 12-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl going to be friends when the boy kisses the girl on the head?

Why yes!

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how do you put a two year old girl to sleep while on a bottle and watching Dora

Is an 18 year old boy too old for a 15 year old girl?

i guess that depends on if you are the parent of the girl or you are the girl.

Does it seem normal for a daughter to sleep with dad at six when he feels his four year old boy is old enough to sleep on his own?

Normally, a Parent would feel more protective of a girl than a boy( since there is a prejudice that boy is much stronger than a girl). However, it is better that the girl starts to get used to her own space rather than sleeping with her father.

Is it ok for a 17 year old to share a bed with a 15 year old?

in my oppinnion yes it is ok for a 17 year old to sleep with a 15 year old as long as there not doing any thing

What happens to a twelve year old boy that penetrates a four year old girl?

The boy goes to jail. The girl goes to the hospital.

Can a 7 year old girl love a boy?

A 7 year old girl can like a boy. Love would be unlikely at that age.

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