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Yes. You can marry anyone you please. It may not make sense. You may need to travel half way around the world to visit your spouse but nothing can prevent the two of you from getting married.

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Q: Can you marry an immigrant even if you don't make enough money to sponsor them?
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Can a us citizen marry an illegal immigrant for money so she can get a green card?

Absolutely not, don't even think about it.

What is the Sponsor for National Geographic?

National Geographic doesn't havea sponsor... becasue they make enough money selling the magazines, and other atlas's and books.

Is it illegal to marry a immigrant for money?

if the government finds out and proves it but so many people do it i think its almost impossible for them to catch anyone....

I married a citizen he didn't make enough money last year he does now but they ask for last income tax I need a cosponsor but I don't have one Is there any way to file for the GC without the cosponsor?

I don't know the answer but I was told that if you want a sponsor then he/she has to make enough money to do so or look for a co-sponsor and that come to My QUESTION does anyone know if the co-sponsor have to live in the same state as the sponsor and beneficiary?

Can someone sponsor my education?

Anyne can sponsor your education, provided they have enough money to do so and you do well enough for them to continue doing so. Normally sponsors are parents, although often people must undertake loans to sponsor themselves.

Sponsor John Cabot?

for money

How does sponsorship work?

A sponsor is an established person who helps get someone else get established. It is used this way when we talk about sponsoring an immigrant. It is also used for sports teams, artistic groups and so on, who, in exchange for a sum of money which the sponsor pays, allow the sponsor to unashamedly market their product through that group.

How can a sponsor support you?

give you money or supplies

When was Marry for Money created?

Marry for Money was created on 2009-01-12.

If your boyfriend is a US citizen but jobless and you are planning to get married can his mother sponsor you and how does this work?

Your boyfriend can file you, and list his mother as the sponsor. His mother has to earn enough money to be able to support herself and her dependents, as well as you. When she files the paperwork to sponsor you, she is telling the government that she will take care of you. She can be sued if you ever end up getting food stamps or other public benefits.

Benefits of sponsorship?

Company's / business's give you money to have them as your sponsor

Why did king Charles I sponsor Magellan?

he gave him money to sail