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It all depends on how much you care about that person. I was in a relationship for 4 years with someone that stayed in Indiana and I never met him. We conversed a lot but never met in person. So I would say it depends on how much you care about them and if you are willing to make it work.

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Q: Can you have a relationship with someone you love who lives 3 hours away and never meet them?
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Yes, but it can't be a real relationship!

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There was a song out in the late 1960s 'One is a Lonely Number' and it applies to most individuals who either have not experienced a relationship with the opposite sex or have and the relationship had not worked out. When you haven't had a relationship and can see other couples together or friends who have boyfriends or girlfriends it can cause loneliness which feels like heartache. Time is the master in most individual's lives and in most cases they do find someone to share their lives with.

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If the person lives in another town or city then it is better to telephone them than write a letter and if the person lives in your town or city then you should meet them somewhere fairly private and let them know the relationship is over. Speak from the heart and never use 'it isn't you .. it's me' as that's the oldest line in the book of love.

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Race should never be an issue when you are in a relationship with someone. If its an issue for you then stop the relationship now. If you love the person then nothing else should matter but that.

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Someone who never dates is often referred to as single or not in a relationship. They may also be called a bachelor or bachelorette if they are unmarried and not currently dating.

In a four month relationship with someone and he says he can never love another when I told him I loved him?

Then that means he loves you and will never love anyone else but you

How can you tell he still has feelings for you if he lives 4 hours away?

i know how u feel exactly!! the answer,.....u can never tell. :[

How can you start this relationship?

Please start the relationship on the right foot by totally being honest about everyhting. Its always better to know from the person that it is about versus from someone that doesn't have a clue. You should always be with someone that you truly like or atleast have feelings for. You should NEVER be with someone out of pity.

Is it common for someone to never experience a relationship at age 18?

Well, To some people this is completely normal, some people dont wish to have a relationship at this age. I guess you could say they were 'waiting for the right person to come along'... But some people have had lots of relationships at this point in there lives.. Its all down to what you feel is right for you.. Hope I helped! :)