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no dont be disgusting.

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14y ago

if your a hillbilly sure.

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14y ago

Yes, you may.

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Q: Can you go out with your 1st cousin?
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What is your 1st cousins cousin who is also there 1st 2 you?

They are also your 1st cousin.

What is your daughter's cousin's daughter?

Your 1st cousin's daughter is your 1st cousin once removed.

What do you call your cousins baby?

Your 1st cousin's baby is your 1st cousin once removed.

Is your cousin's child your cousin?

Your 1st cousin's child is your 1st cousin once removed. Your 2nd cousin's child is your 2nd cousin once removed. And so on...

What is your your great grandma's cousin?

If this person is your great-grandma's 1st cousin, they are your 1st cousin 3 times removed. If this person is you great-grandma's 2nd cousin, they are your 2nd cousin 3 times removed. And so on.

What do you call you mum's cousin?

you call your mums cousin a 2nd cousin, because your mums cousin is her 1st cousin, wich makes your mums cousin your 2nd cousin.

What relation to you is your mum's first cousin's child?

Your mother's 1st cousin's child is your 2nd cousin.

What relationship would my 1st cousin's child be to my child?

Second cousin.

How are cousins ranked?

they are ranked as 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, 3rd cousin. 4th cousin, etc. Also as 1st cousin once removed, twice reoved, three times removed, etc. And then on to 2nd cousin once removed, etc, etc,

What is your mothers 1st cousin to you?

Your mother's first cousin is YOUR first cousin, once removed. The child of your mother's first cousin is YOUR second cousin.

What is your cousins child relationship to you?

Your first cousin's child's child (your first cousin's grandchild) is yopur first cousin twice removed.

Why do people get the term once removed and a second cousin screwed up?

Mainly because they are unfamiliar with genealogy terminology. In their mind, a child of a 1st cousin becomes their 2nd cousin when in fact the child is their 1st cousin once removed.