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Arturo Auer

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2y ago
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Q: Can you give a wrong answer?
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Can you give me a wrong answer?


Is it embarrassing to give the wrong answer in class?

No, there is nothing embarrassing about giving a wrong answer in class.

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try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one) try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one) try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one)

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Dont ever tell a teacher that they are wrong!

How easy is it to give wrong answers on WikiAnswers?

It is extremely easy to give the wrong answer on WikiAnswers. However, it is just as easy to give an accurate one. Since anyone in the world, registered or not, can answer a question, it is pretty easy to give an inaccurate answer.

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well they will give it back

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Nothing it not give bada

Why does wikianswers always give us wrong answers?

Sometimes,people answer questions wrong,but if you see a question,and you don't know it,then don't answer it,because you will get it wrong,and you teach people the wrong answer.

Can you give a sentence with the word hue?

This paint is the wrong hue.

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maybe i like to give you the wrong answer! =)