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Yes it's highly possible if one is willing to get counseling for it. There is something in your past that you aren't dealing with and it's usually to do with either an extremely strict up bringing by parents who are anti sex completely letting you know that good little boys and girls don't do this and that, or, someone has hurt you in the past more than you think. Even a great number of divorces in one's family can frighten you enough to feel that you can't break that chain. Of course you can!

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Q: Can you get over commitment phobia?
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Commitorum Metus is the Latin for fear of committment but all of my research shows that it's simply called committment fancy prefix before Phobia. Hope I helped Doveshaven

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Dr- Phil - 2002 Commitment Phobia 1-75 was released on: USA: 27 December 2002

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Dr- Phil - 2002 Commitment Phobia 1-27 was released on: USA: 22 October 2002

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No, You might just have to marry her

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Double Cross - 2010 Commitment Phobia 1-2 was released on: USA: 2 February 2010 USA: 14 February 2010

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The cure for me is that you just now this guy is the right one and you know it

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Metrophobia is the phobia of poetry and is pretty common. It is mostly developed over school time.

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There is no defined phobia for skiing. However there can be fear of falling over or of snow.

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