

Best Answer

You can indeed get into shape while smoking. You can not get healthy or achieve fitness easily while smoking though.

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Q: Can you get into shape while smoking?
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What happens when you smoke while smoking?

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How do you quit smoking weed while pregnant?

you stop smoking it :L from cammy

How do you avoid lips getting black while smoking?

quit smoking... the best remedy.

Can you still get pregnant while smoking weeds?

Yes. But smoking while pregnant will cause harm to the baby. Twice as much harm than smoking tobacco. See the related question below.

Are there any pictures of megyn kelly smoking?

I doubt it. Megyn goes to great lengths to hide her smoking and to not be photographed while smoking.

What if you smoke while on probation?

Smoking tobacco would not be a problem. Smoking illegal substances can get you into trouble.

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How do you be healthy while smoking?

Don't smoke!

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Do you die from smoking?

Yes after a while from diseases.

Do you lose weight by smoking?

You may lose weight while smoking because instead of eating your smoking. But as soon as you quit smoking, you will gain even more weight, very quickly.So you can't rely on smoking.

3 things you wish for this year?

Getting a job, getting in shape and quit smoking.