A formailay on your name would mean that on a cert, if and only if, parent on cert was previously married for the name of the married formailay on your name, on the cert, went in the box.
When does a marriage license expire in FL
If she is still married to her 1st husband then her second marriage to you is illegal and you are NOT married.
No. You cannot file for divorce in GA if you are not a resident of the state. You would file in FL (despite the fact that you not married in FL).
"Marital" pertains to "marriage", and being married to someone.
You do have to file your marriage license in court to be legally married. Failing to file can cause the marriage to become invalid.
Florida doesn't have a common law marriage, however Florida does recognize common law marriages that occurred in other states.
You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".You cannot "legalize" a null and void marriage. You need to get married "legally".
f.l gottlob frege married
No, Gandhi was not married before Kasturba. His marriage to Kasturba was his first and only marriage.
No even if you got married in Texas , your marriage will not stand in court, even if you got married in Texas . As your husbands wife has not been divorced your marriage is illegal.