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1y ago

Yes, it is generally legal and socially acceptable to date your 3rd cousin. However, you should be aware of any cultural or family considerations that may affect the situation. It is recommended to consult with your family and consider the potential impact on your relationships before pursuing a romantic relationship with a relative.

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Q: Can you date your 3rd cousin?
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Can you class your 3rd cousin as your normal cousin?

Course you can!

Is it okay to date your third cousin?

You can date anyone you want, whether third cousin or first cousin. Going beyond simply dating may raise issues with a first cousin, but not with a third cousin.

Can you date your fourth cousin in the family tree?

Yes, you can date anyone whether fourth cousin, twentieth cousin, or first cousin. Dating is going out and having a good time.

Can I date my aunts cousin?

yes, you can. If your dad and your cousins mom are brother and sister then you can date your cousins cousin on your cousins dads side.

Do your third cousin's children have any relation to you?

Your 3rd cousin's children are your 3rd cousins once removed.

Should you date your sisters cousin?

No you shouldn't date your sisters cousin because its wrong and he or she is related by blood.

Can you date your 3rd cousin even though its by marriage we dont have any blood related just marriage?

Yes, there is nothing that would prevent it.

What will be your grandchildren to your first cousin once removed grandchildren?

3rd cousin

What is My relationship to my Dad's cousin?

2nd cousin, but if it's your Dad's 2nd cousin... then your relationship with that cousin would be a 3rd cousin.

Is my son my 1st cousin's son's 3rd cousin?

No they are not 3rd cousins. They share a common great grandparent. They are second cousins.

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