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No because it's not your fault you don't like them even though they like you, and you don't want to hurt their feelings so you jusk try your hardest to convince them.

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Q: Can you convince yourself your in love when you really are not?
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Is it possible to convince yourself that you love someone?

most likely

How can you convince a girl to fall in love with you?

Be polite and really nice to her and maybe she'll fall in love with you.

Can you convince your parents your boyfriend of 16 months means more then just any boyfriend?

If you are not at least twenty years old, you will not be able to convince them because they were young once and they know you have to be a certain age before you can really be able to tell the difference between love and infatuation. If you have to convince your parents, you are not mature enough. When the time comes, you will only have to convince yourself.

How do you convince a guy you love that you just consider him a brother?

You cannot convince someone to love you. That is something that naturally happens. Just be yourself and if he doesn't like you for who you are then you obviously aren'y meant to be. You'll find your match someday.

How can I convince my parents to accept my love?

You can't. Just know that you do and be yourself. Also, see related question below.

How do you keep the true love you got?

BE YOURSELF!!! Be yourself! If it really is true love, then being who you are should keep your true love!

How do you convince a guy that just wants to be friends to like you?

You can't really convince someone to like you. Just be yourself, and if he still doesn't like you, then maybe its just not right.

How do you get her to fall in love with you?

While you can't convince someone to fall for you, sometimes a person may not realize they really do love you until they get to know you. So you should just be yourself (you want her to fall for the real you and not a fake you) and see where things go from there and just act normal.

How can you convince your parents to let us stay together?

Show them that you really love each other

How do you convince the person you love that you still love them back?

you tell them you love them, or you buy them a really expensive hat and tell them you'd do anything for their sun protection

What if you really like this great guy but you dont love him Can you force yourself to be in love him?

No if you don't love him dont force yourself to thre is a guy for you out there.

How do you convince him that you love him so much?

if u want to convince any body u just told her truly about yourself because the impression of truth is more greater than any thing