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no because if there cheating you stay away from them and don't get involved in anything the person does anymore. they would kick you out if you did that and they wouldn't like you anymore. even if there not talking to you already they will hurt you even more then they already are.

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Yes but stand your ground and be strong. You know what you have to do.

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Q: Can you confront your spouse if you find proof of his affair?
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What do you do when you find out your spouse has had an affair but he wants to leave her and stay with you?

Up to you. Forgive him or kick him out.

Having a affair with another woman?

confront him if he listens ok other wise find out what made him to have affairs with other woman.

How do you confront a cheating spouse?

if your spouse cheated on you then he/she is no good anyway. If they really loved you, there should be no reason at all for them to cheat. You should move on (even though it might be hard) and find someone who is going to appreciate you and not take your love for granted. Someone is out there for you who is going to treat you right. Trust me!!

What if you know your husband is during illegal things over the internet but he keeps lying about it?

You just confront him or find proof about it.

How do you confront two faced people?

They are really not worth the effort and not a friend. If you find you have to confront them make sure you have proof on both sides of being two-faced to prove or question whatever it is you need to.

Describe a situation that would exemplify your integrity?

An example of one's integrity being tested would be someone accusing them of cheating on their spouse. The person accusing has no proof, but is trying to set them up. The way this could be handled is to find proof that the accusations are false and the person is trying to set you up for whatever reason. Confront the person, they will most like slip up.

Why are some wives struggling with self doubt and self esteem after spouse affair?

When a spouse has an affair, it can shake the foundation of trust and security in the relationship. This betrayal can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and lowered self-esteem in the betrayed partner, as they may question their worth and desirability. Seeking therapy and support can help them work through these emotions and rebuild their self-esteem.

How do you know if a person cheated on you?

There's way that you can find if your spouse cheating on you. But the only way you will know is confront this person. Ask the question that you want to know because you can sense that something is not right.

What can you do if your spouse isn't remorseful after his affair?

Realize by calling it an affair theres already a negative marital, religious, and social connotation involved. It's always in your best interest to have a spouse with at least similar views, especially about sexuality. With that being said it sounds as though you may be more attached to him emotionally than he is you. My advice; Find some one else.

Does an infidelity in marriage automatically mean the end?

If a spouse has only one extramarital affair then it does not mean the end of a marriage, but only that the marriage is in trouble and most of it is caused by lack of communication so each spouse knows how the other feels. Sometimes spouses are married so long that the magic has gone out of their marriage and they may need to get away together on a bit of a romantic holiday even if it is just a weekend away at something you both enjoy. If a spouse is constantly having affairs then yes, it is probably the end of the marriage because the spouse cannot commit to one person and has a disregard for their spouse. Marriage counseling is another good way to learn tools to save the marriage, but often the male spouse is not open to airing out his marriage problems with a counselor.

Can you find the strength to pull your family together during the holidays after your spouse affair?

You most certainly can find the strength to pull your family together after your spouse has had an affair. Cheating is cheap; selfish; destructive and causes others pain, but in the long run it is the person who cheated that will pay the highest price in the end. It is also possible that by pulling the family together the cheating spouse may begin to see what they could lose if they continue to cheat or even if they have stopped cheating. Humans by nature are chameleons and they react to the situation they are in at the time and that is why others are so surprised when they may find out certain people are going through difficult adjustments in their marriage; work; financially, etc.

How do you find a cheating spouse?

ANSWER:To be blunt to you, I'm not sure why you are asking where to find a cheating wife, you can find, maybe some but not all inside a dating site. Just like what men do