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Yes you can if you do. It totally depends on you after all.

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Q: Can you break up with a girl you love but wants to stay with you?
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He asks you if you want to break up what does it mean?

He wants you to reassure him that you love him and want to stay together.

How do you make him stay when he says break up?

If he wants to break up there really isn't any way to make him stay unless there was a specific reason he wants to leave.

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Its about a girl who likes a guy. and she hopes he will never break up with her .and wants to be his girlfriend for ever

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It probably means she's trying to tell him that she's in love with him.

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well stay in your relationship as long as she wants, dating but your decision can cause a lot of drama. but dont let her break your friendship.

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The best way to win a girl's heart is to be kind. However, if she wants to break up with you, you cannot force her to stay. It is best to let her go.

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Nobody will love you with grammar like that. Now stay away from the interwebs, you'll break it with your stupidity.

Im in love with a girls whoes in a relationship she cheated on her bf with me but she wants to stay with him what should i do?

Get over the girl, because if she cheated on him - who is to say she won't cheat on you?

How do you get the love of your life to love you like she used to and stop saying you are on break?

She has to want to come back. If she wanted a break it means that she wants time to herself to really know what she wants. If she wants space you have to give it to her because usually it means that she not sure if she wants to stay or move on. Ler her decide but don't pressure her because that will only make things worse. Let her know how you feel and leave it up to her to do the rest. If she truly loves you she will come back. Your answer: You don't. I've seen this happen way to many times to a friend of mine and everytime they 'come back from break' (for lack of better phrase) he gets hurt. So take my advice: if she loved you as much as you love her she wouldn't want to go on break. Take it from a woman, when she says she wants to go on break it means there are no chances of her commiting. Don't waste your time on this girl, find someone who deserves your love and loves you equally and when you find them NEVER let go.

Should you break up with your boyfriend if he is thinking about breaking up with you but doesnt know what he wants to do and you love him a lot?

If you still love him, tell him before it's too late! If he still loves you back then you can probably work this out. Be sure to let him know that you don't want to break up with him. My best advice woul be not to end the relationship until you know for SURE if he wants to stay.

What if you love your girlfriend but she wants to break up with you?

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Needed Me , Stay with Me