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You can have periods and everything else be normal, but still be pregnant. In some cases women can experience a sharp discomfort in their lower regions, go to the toilet and all of a sudden be in labor and had no idea they were pregnant- this happened to my friend. SO go and get checked out.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you experience no symptoms had your period three months in a row but your stomach keeps getting bigger?
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You might be. But to make sure consult your doctor immediately

Can you tell if you are pregnant by stomach symptoms?

no. stomach symptoms could mean lots of other things and are NOT determinant of pregnancy. get a pregnancy test.

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There are no signs or symptoms immediately after sex that demonstrate that you're pregnant. "Stomach bubbling" is not a symptom of pregnancy.

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Symptoms really depends on where the Lymphoma occurs. If it is in the stomach, you will experience stomach pains. Also, painless swelling of the lymph nodes.

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Is your cat pregnant if she is sleeping and eating all the time meowing for attention her stomach looks larger she was looking for a male cat she rolls over on her stomach when you pet her and is mad?

Yes! Congratulations your cat is pregnant! ...My Cat has gotten pregnant with the same symptoms. Maybe go to the vet first but all the symptoms point to kittens!

Does it mean you are pregnant if you are having stomach cramps?

It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

Can just being PARANOID about being pregnant cause pregnancy symptoms like stomach cramping and even tender breasts?

Yes. The mind is a very powerful thing. It can trick you into having symptoms and thinking you are pregnant.

How long after hitting a pregnant stomach will symptoms?

That depends on which symptoms you refer to: the symptoms of premature birth or miscarriage?; or the symptoms of the police breaking down your door and arresting your abusive self? In either case, you shouldn't have to wait long.

Are these pregnancy symptoms?

There are many symptoms that could indicate pregnancy. Swollen and tender breasts are one symptom. Weight gain, nausea, and exhaustion are some other more common symptoms. Some or all could be indications that you are pregnant but all could also be symptoms of something else.

How can you tell am pregnant?

Your stomach is getting bigger,but that's maybe the McDonalds you keep eating.