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you give him a smile every day and tell him yr sorry. if that don't work then on valentines day do yr thing!!!!

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Q: Can we be friends with a guy whom you have rejected?
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Can the guy who rejected you but whom you like still be the one?

If he rejected you first time, it is possible that he is not the one, but if you really believe that he is the one, there could be an opportunity to try again in the future.

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Getting rejected by a super hot guy and then him blabbin to his friends about it

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They friends if they rejected you so make some real friends and you will soon forget the ones that rejected you.

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Here's a general rule of thumb. Let your friend be a guy... He=who Him=whom So actually in your case it would be They=who Them=whom Are your friends "they"? Or "them"? Hopefully, you said them. So it would be whom. "I love 'them' so much." NOT, "I love 'they' so much."

How can you stay friends with the guy who rejected you?

Since he is your friend it is strictly up to you whether you want to remain friends with him. If you love him and he obviously has rejected you then you are in for a painful journey. You may try dating other guys and see if this makes your friend take notice and if not, then there will be that special someone in your life eventually.

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liking is a positive feeling. I told my friends that i like someone whom i dont know being confident about him.

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The judge to whom it is submitted.

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Should you try again for the same guy if he rejected you once?

take it from me ive been rejected by a guy more than once and now we are goin out. so if your friends tell you no dont do it and you really like this guy you should ask him again but dont over do it. if he says he needs to think about it give him a couple of days but always remember dont ask him every day : yes or no

Why does the guy that rejected you later on stares at you?

He regretted his choice