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No. That is contra bonos mores and against public policy, to give deceased estate to strangers like girlfriend while testator is legally married and has children with his legal wife. His guilty of engaging in extramural affairs. Being married in community of property deceased cannot disinherit his wife and children.

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Q: Can testator bequeath entire estate to his girlfriend in a will leaving out his wife and children?
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Single parent has will leaving estate to two adult children One child dies before parent Will is not changed Does estate go solely to remaining child or does estate of deceased child receive half?

That all depends on the wording in the will.Generally, there are a couple of types of devise that are commonly used in wills. If the will provides that the property shall go to the siblings or to the survivor of them, the surviving sibling will take all. However, if the will says the property shall go to the siblings or the issue of a sibling who predeceased the testator then the deceased sibling's share will go to her children, if any.On the other hand, if the will is silent as to the distribution in the case of a deceased child of the testator then the deceased siblings share will pass as intestate property to the legal next of kin of the testator. In your case that will be the child of the deceased sibling.You should consult with an attorney who can review the situation and determine what the law is in your state. In most cases, an attorney should be handling the probate of the estate if there is property in the estate that was solely owned by the testator.