I guess.
If this person is mentally ill/retarted
and if they're not mature yet
yes they can.it is most common with teen girls than boys.teen girls like to wear diapers and pLASTIC PANTS TO MAKE THEM FEEL CUTE AND LITTLE GIRLISH,especially for holidays and special occasions
HELL YES! Who cares if someone wears a diaper? It's freedom of expression. Answer Yes, but. Environmentally, we have enough diapers in landfills from people who actually need to use them. Secondly, you have other things in life to do than to just find interesting/odd things to do to express yourself. Time and money spent as a volunteer helping others, sports, reading, good times with family are in the interest of everyone. You gain experience and mature. Diapers are going to entertain you, but what good is it in the long run? Just asking. Anybody who wants to wear a diaper can. There is no rule or anything that says otherwise. It's not like wearing a diaper changes who you are, or how you act, It's just merely nothing more that a pair of underwear that you can wet or soil. but the bottom line is, it doesn't matter whether a teenager wears a diaper or anything else. There is far worse things that they could be into than wearing diapers, and they don't change a person on the inside. Never judge a person on what they were, because most likely, they are as normal as any other person, they just have enough courage to go through with what they want. yes they can i do 24/7 bladder promlems i wear them to skool as well if u want to u can
Yes, in a matter of fact, they can! Teens/Adults can wear diapers for many reasons e.g. they have a weak bladder or they have bladder problems.
Some teens find them comfortable, whether it's because they're softer than underwear or just simply because it makes them feel secure. It's not normal but it also isn't not normal. To each to their own ... what ever makes you happy!
just wear the diapers for gods sake!why can anyone stop you from doing what you want?
Just ask her and explain to her why you want it.
Just ask her and explain to her why you want it.
Your mom shouln't have out on a diaper in your sleep. If you don't want to wear diapers, offer to clean your sheets every time you do it. If you don't want to clean sheets, get diapers that fit. Many teens where diapers. Pull ups would probably be the biggest or adult diapers.
You can if you really want to do so. Most people just choose not to because it would make them uncomfortable or dirty, and it can create infections.
because they are just being mean or dont want to wait in line for lunch
Because they need money for stuff they want
Most teens want electronic for Christmas because they want to show it off to ALL their friends
sorry :( teens should not vote because most of them don't have any idea what each candidate wants to change they would just vote for who ever their parents want to win.
they want a job because they are jealous of teens
Some teens do it just because they think people will think that they are cool, when they're not. Other teens do it because they really want the boy or girl, who's ever doing it, to touch them there. I don't like and I'm a teen,s so not all teens like it. I also think it's very inapropreit.