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Everybody, regardless of age, have rights. Human rights.

Two of these rights are:

- The right of choice

- The right of belief

The right of choice grants you the right to make life choices for yourself. The only exceptions are where law forbids you from doing so. For example the legal age to have sex, drink and smoke.

Laws will only forbid worship of a certain religion if the religion is deemed unsafe or criminal (ie- if the religion encourages suicide or sacrifice).

The right of belief grants you the right to choose what you believe in. This includes politics and religion.

It is against the law to force someone to believe in something they either refuse to believe in or don't want to believe in.

It is against the law to force someone to believe something because it is against your human rights.

Parents can freely teach their child their own beliefs. But they cannot force their child to follow those beliefs without breaking the law.

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Q: Can parents make their child be in a religion they don't want to be in?
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Why do parents think they have the right to force religion on their children?

The kid is not not an adult so the parents make the child's decision. But nothing says the parents will choose the right religion.

Is forcing into a religion illegal?

As a child the parents can force that child to company them while instruction is taking place. However as they say" you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink". Keeping that in mind i would say that your parents can make you pretend to be their religion, but it is up to you to be their religion. One Real problem however is that children can have their genitals mutilated by the parents or their agents in the name of religion As can happen in the case of Judaism or Mohammedanism

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Some parents believe that their child should be introduced to religion at an early age in order to begin and maintain a strong faith in that religion. Other parents believe it should be left up to the child when he or she grows old enough to make the decision for him or herself. It is up to the parents to decide what's best for their child. I personally would not introduce my future children to religion at such an early age.

Can your parents make you be religious?

No. Freedom of religion means you are allowed to choose religion but also to choose not to believe in one, even as a child. Your parents can still drag you to church though against your will but they can not force you to believe.

What is the name of the religion that allows the child to choose their own religion?

Atheist and Agnostics often let kids make educated decisions on religion, however, understanding parents may do the same no matter what their own religion.

Two parents have two different religions. Which parent does the child follow?

The child's religion may be influenced by both parents' beliefs, but ultimately the child may choose their own path or a blend of their parents' beliefs. It is important for the parents to support the child in exploring and understanding different religions, and to allow the child to make their own decision when they are ready.

What can parents do to ensure safety of their teens online?

get their your child off the computer at ah certain type, which them and make sure they dont stuff they dont pose to be doing

What age can a child decide what religion they would like to follow?

Age of Majority in your state, which is not always 18. Until than you respect your parents. You can study with and/or about another religion, but you wait until you can legally make the decision to challenge the beliefs of your parents, in all things, not just religion.

Why inc member cant make girlfriend in different religion?

sometimes peoples parents dont want them to date people of other nationalities or religions...

At what point do parents have the right to make a child move out?

Parents have the right to make a child move out after he attains 18 years of age.

Does having gay parents make the child gay?

No. It is still unknown what factors can influence sexuality.