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Q: Can minors be deported if brought into the US illegally by American Citizens?
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Can your husband get citizenship even though he was brought here illegally as a child?

He can apply and go through the process like everyone else, although being in the country illegally means he is likely to be deported. This counts badly against someone for the purposes of applying and gaining citizenship; he is better to leave, apply from there and come back in the 'right' way.

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Tea was introduced into the Americas because the American colonies were made up of British citizens. British citizens moved to the Americas and brought their tea with them.

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The Dream Act concerns legislation that would provide a way for immigrant children, who were brought to the U.S. illegally at a very young age, to remain in the country and begin the process of obtain citizenship without first being deported to a foreign country they have never known.

My fiancee was brought to the US illegally buy his parents when she was 15yrs old?

Yes it was.

If you brought goods into the country illegally and you were caught what would you be charged with?

fine and go to jail

What word describes goods that are brought into a country illegally?

Smuggled and contraband are two words that are related to bringing something into a country illegally.

My husband have child by illegal alien can she be deport what about baby and child support?

Yes she can be deported. Since your husband is an American citizen so is the baby and mom can sue for child support. It is his child he needs to pay for the baby he brought into the world.

What did Al Capone have to do with Prohibition?

He brought alcohol to the states and illegally sold it to undercover bars and other people

My kid's father was brought into the us illegally as a child 20yrs ago how can we get him legalized in the us?

Seems like he has a chance through family based. Find out what is his immediate family status. Are his parents permanent residents?U.S naturalized citizens? Are you a U.S.citizen? Which ever way he goes,he will eventually have to leave the U.S. for a matter of 1-10 years,for his visa process,which will take place at the American Embassy,from his native hometown.

Can an illegal immigrant be deported if he has a child who is a us citizen with a woman who is also a us citizen?

Yes, if his status is brought to the attention of the immigration authorities.

I was brought as child to the US illegally Is there anyway I can obtain a green card?

You can easily get a green card if your parents are US citizens. Or if they have green cards, then they can sponsor one for you using that status. However there are specific conditions that need to be met if you want a green card through your parents.Should be unmarried and under the age of 21 yrs if your parents are US Citizens - this will place you in the immediate relative categoryUnmarried and above 21 yrs of age, married and of any age will place you in the next preference category if your parents are US citizens.Should be unmarried if your parents are green card holders