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A Muslim man can marry a Muslim. Christian, or Jewish woman. However; before marriage; the woman must agree that if a child is to be brought up it is to be brought up in the Islamic faith. If she disagrees, then the Muslim man should not marry her.

This brings me to the issue of Muslim women not being able to marry non-Muslim men, this is mainly because of what I spoke about above. Because the man is the head figure in the household the child would most likely be influenced into his faith, not only that but the Muslim women may be obliged and/or persuaded by her non-Muslim husband to do something against Islam teachings and rules.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Yes. (Minor edit: Although it would be discouraged as the Apostle Paul said to marry only in the lord)

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Q: Can jehova s witnesses marry a muslim?
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