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Yes. An atheist can practice namasmaran. Just as in case of algebric sums, we assume a value X, for unknown entity and then arrive at it, in the same way; in namasmaran, we remember and repeat a name entitled for the true self and in the process arrive at it.

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Q: Can an atheist practice namasmaran
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How do you do namasmaran?

Namasmaran means remembering the name of Almighty, God; actually implying true Self. It is accepted and practiced in most religions in different forms. It has the potential to help rise and blossom every practitioner to cosmic consciousness and universal unity. # The first thing is provisional acceptance of the concept. Hostility or submission are not conducice to build conviction based on sound foundation. # 2. Read the books written on namasmaran. This would give you the idea about the simplicity of the process and also why people start it and also give it up rather too quickly! # Select one place in your residence. Select a particular suitable time when you are not tired. Sit is any suitable position. Start remembering any name of God you are familiar with, belongs to your tradition or religion, or simply you have reverence about. Practice for about five minutes every day. # Continue without expecting anything miraculous. In fact initially you experience restlessness and feeling of wastage of time. This happens because we are used to think, feel and move unknowingly and mechanically in response to external and internal influences. Hence namasmaran, during which this thinking, feeling and moving activity is absent makes one feel suffocated, empty or useless. # Gradually you will get over this phase and enter into the realm free of the shackles of subjectivity, superficiality and pettiness. # You will then feel like sharing your experiences selflessly with others. You may happily do it but without discontinuing your namasmaran. # Namasmaran is simple, inexpensive, does not require any gadgets, does not require any change in cuture, does not have any glamour and glitter, does not give any tangible gains and hence usually quickly started but then also quickly given up. Hence persist on namasmaran irrespective of anything --- because namasmaran takes you beyond everything tangible towards ultimate freedom. Tips * Namasmaran is done quietly or by audible pronounciation of the name. * Namsmaran can be done with or without a rossary. * Namsmaran can be done in any physical and physiological condition and anywhere in any situation. * There is no restriction on anything or rather there is no prerequisite for namasmaran hence nothing [type of food, alcohol, tobacco, race, religion, caste etc] come in the way of starting the practice of namasmaran. * Detractors of namasmaran may humiliate or try to dissuade. But through namasmaran you would learn how to overcome criticism and ridicule without getting perturbed. * The gains of namasmaran are completely intangible. Hence it is preferable not to preach anyone [though sharing is fine] or insist any one about namasmaran. * In the course of time you would get increasing ly involved in namasmaran and begin to practice it for longer time and whenever you get the opportunity. This is an indication of your blossoming. * Later you would experience lack of hatred, lack prejudice, lack of fear, lack of worries and greater and greater buoyancy. Warning * There is no warning with respect to namasmaran, which is also called jaap or jap. * Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar * Sahasranetra: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar * Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar * Conceptual Stress: UNderstanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar. Namasmaran means remembering the name of Almighty, God; actually implying true Self. It is accepted and practiced in most religions in different forms. It has the potential to help rise and blossom every practitioner to cosmic consciousness and universal unity. # The first thing is provisional acceptance of the concept. Hostility or submission are not conducice to build conviction based on sound foundation. # 2. Read the books written on namasmaran. This would give you the idea about the simplicity of the process and also why people start it and also give it up rather too quickly! # Select one place in your residence. Select a particular suitable time when you are not tired. Sit is any suitable position. Start remembering any name of God you are familiar with, belongs to your tradition or religion, or simply you have reverence about. Practice for about five minutes every day. # Continue without expecting anything miraculous. In fact initially you experience restlessness and feeling of wastage of time. This happens because we are used to think, feel and move unknowingly and mechanically in response to external and internal influences. Hence namasmaran, during which this thinking, feeling and moving activity is absent makes one feel suffocated, empty or useless. # Gradually you will get over this phase and enter into the realm free of the shackles of subjectivity, superficiality and pettiness. # You will then feel like sharing your experiences selflessly with others. You may happily do it but without discontinuing your namasmaran. # Namasmaran is simple, inexpensive, does not require any gadgets, does not require any change in cuture, does not have any glamour and glitter, does not give any tangible gains and hence usually quickly started but then also quickly given up. Hence persist on namasmaran irrespective of anything --- because namasmaran takes you beyond everything tangible towards ultimate freedom. Tips * Namasmaran is done quietly or by audible pronounciation of the name. * Namsmaran can be done with or without a rossary. * Namsmaran can be done in any physical and physiological condition and anywhere in any situation. * There is no restriction on anything or rather there is no prerequisite for namasmaran hence nothing [type of food, alcohol, tobacco, race, religion, caste etc] come in the way of starting the practice of namasmaran. * Detractors of namasmaran may humiliate or try to dissuade. But through namasmaran you would learn how to overcome criticism and ridicule without getting perturbed. * The gains of namasmaran are completely intangible. Hence it is preferable not to preach anyone [though sharing is fine] or insist any one about namasmaran. * In the course of time you would get increasing ly involved in namasmaran and begin to practice it for longer time and whenever you get the opportunity. This is an indication of your blossoming. * Later you would experience lack of hatred, lack prejudice, lack of fear, lack of worries and greater and greater buoyancy. Warning * There is no warning with respect to namasmaran, which is also called jaap or jap.

How is yoga related to namasmaran?

Meaning of yoga is to connect with God or the ultimate truth or true self. The hatha yoga [asana, pranayam etc] or yoga practice is done to catalyze the process of connecting with God. Namasmaran [remembering God by any one of His name] is like the final door or the ultimate step to get linked with God.

Is Jon Stewart an atheist?

Jon Stewart is a Reform Jew or Atheist Jew. He does not practice most Jewish customs.

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Andy Hurley is atheist. He has openly said so.

What is the meaning of namasmaran?

Namasmaran is a spiritual practice in which an individual continuously recites or remembers the name of a deity. It is believed to help in controlling the mind, increasing concentration, and fostering a sense of connection with the divine. Namasmaran is prominent in various religious traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

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Officially Cuba is Atheist, but the majority of people practice Catholicism. There are other small groups who practice Santeria, Islam, Judaism, and Hindu.

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Officially, China has no Religion and is atheist, unofficialy there are Daoists, Buddhists Christian and Muslims within the country.

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Mark Zuckerberg is a Jew, ethnically speaking, but he does not practice Judaism as a religion. He has described himself as an atheist.

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Officially, China has no Religion and is atheist, unofficialy there are Daoists, Buddhists, Christian and Muslims within the country.

Which saints in the world have advocated the practice of namasmaran?

Namasmaran is practice followed around the world but more commonly in INDIA for generations and the ones who transformed to higher levels of consciousness preached the technique to others who are called SAINTS. Not sure of the world, but in India there are number of saints who preached namasmaran. The most popular of those saints is Sant Dnyaneshwar from Maharashtra, who is considered to have attained highest leves of consciousness through namasmarana.He has written number of books on namasmarana itself, Haripath, Dnyaneshwari, Amrutanubhava are few of them. Other saints who preached namasmarana are: Sant Namadev,Sant Tukaram, Sant Janabai, Sant Tukoba, Sant Nivrutti Nath,Sant Gora Kumbhar, Sant Savanta Mali, Sant Eknath, Sant Kabir and many more. The all were also great poets who preached about Bhakti and Dnyana in their poems.

Do the Arabs and the Ashanti practice Islam?

Most Arabs are Muslims, while most Ashantis are Non-Muslim (Atheist, Ashanti Animist, or Christian).