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Yes social security can track him down through the tax department.

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Q: Can an absent father who does not pay child support be traced?
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Can i file for child support if i live with my child's father?

In general, child support is paid by absent parents.

Do you lose the child support if you live with the father?

In general, child support obligations are imposed on absent parents.

Can the mother that stays with the babys father still receive child support?

Child support law assumes that one or both parents are absent.

In Ohio if you are unmarried and have a kid but live with the baby's father does he have to pay child support if he's on the birth cirtificate?

In general, the question of child support arises when one or more of the parents is absent.

Does a father that stays in New Jersey have to pay child if his spouse with the child moves to Canada?

The child's moving out of the country would not, in itself, relieve the absent parent of his support obligation.

Do I have to force child support on an absent father who doesn't want custody of his child I live in Arkansas?

You should if you need the money to take care of your child. It's your choice though.

Do you have to pay child support if you know the child?

If you are an absent parent of the child, yes.

Is it illegal to collect child support from someone you reside with?

It's not a crime; however, child support is for absent parents.

Di single parents required to pay child support?

Most single parents do not pay child support. The absent parent pays the child support.

Can you get child support if the father is incarcerated?

Can you get child support inArkansasif their father is incarcerated

How Can you fight child support as the paying father?

If you are the child's father then you really have little legal support to not support your child. Your child is legally entitled to your financial support.

Can a wife gets child support from her husband even if they live in the same house?

No. Child support is paid by absent parents.