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Yes a woman can claim for alimony at any point of time in her marriage or after her marriage if her spouse has failed to maintain her when having enough means to support her. If there is any query one can call on : 093222 86663 or email your problems on lawyersidd to Siddhartha Shah and Associates for a better relief.

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Preeti Ranwal

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9y ago

Yes, a woman can get alimony after being married for 28 years. It is very likely that she is going to get some amount of alimony.

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Q: Can a woman get alimony after being married for 28 years?
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Can you get alimony for being in a civil union for 5 years and married for 5 years with two children?

It depends on the laws of your state.

Can you receive alimony if married for 3 years and have one child?

Typically, alimony is reserved for those who have married for about 10 years or more. However, you need to views the laws on alimony for your state.

Can you get alimony if you were together for fifteen years but not married?

No, as you will not be able to get divorced (due to the fact you're not married), and therefore will not pay (or be paid) alimony.

In Florida how many years do you have to be married to collect alimony?


Being married for almost 23 years are your entitled to alimony?

You are entitled to alimony if the judge says you are entitled to alimony. It is the judge's decision, not someones opinion writing on a computer terminal. It depends on your state's law. It also depends on whether or not you have a good lawyer.

Are there palimony laws in Virginia you have been in a relationship with a man that you have been living with for 16 years you have no children and you rent a house only his name is on the lease?

"Palimony" is a slang term for alimony paid from a woman to a man. Alimony is only applicable in cases of divorce. Alimony is not available to parties who were not married.

When can a woman ask for alimony in India is it after divorce or after only separation of two years?

Yes, a woman can ask for alimony in India after divorce or separation of 2 years provided their marriage lasted for more than 10 years.

What are Missouri alimony laws?

Is there a certain time frame that spouse have to be married to be entitled to for alimony/spousal support? Have only been married 5 years through Missouri.

If Married 24 years how long is alimony paid?

There is no such ratio as to the years of marriage and amount of alimony. Generally the alimony is decided as per case to case. It also depends upon the demand of alimony. If one needs to inquire about alimony they can look for Siddhartha Shah and Associates on the following details. Phone: 093222 86663 Email: lawyersidd

I have been common law married for 20 years. my question is if i got legally married would i still be entitled to alimony if we ever got a divorce?

Yes, you would be entitled to alimony if legally married and then divorced.

Does alimony apply in texas If it does what is the percentage and for how many years would i have to be married?

You can find the details about post divorce alimony in texas in this url

Can you get alimony if you are common law married for 24 years in Texas?

You'll have to check Texas law.