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There are six types of emotional abuse, isolating, ignoring, corrupting, exploiting, terrorizing and rejecting. This applies both in relationships and child care.

Withdrawing contact for weeks or months is both ignoring and rejecting. Definitely emotional abuse.


Either this is emotional abuse or the person you are referring to is going through a depression. I don't see how the person above has definitely labeled thisi as abuse when in fact it's closer to a person with drawing and that's what usually happens when someone goes through depressions.

Either way, please don't take our word for this matter, do get your spouce to a Doctor Who can interview him or her and arrive at an answer be it abuse or depression a doctor is certainly the right person to ask.


My answer in the first reply was incomplete. Within the realm of relationship (dating) violence, ignoring and rejecting are definite forms of emotional abuse. But there is no way to say with any certainty based on one question that this is the case here. My apologies for the lack of clarification.

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Q: Can a partner withdrawing contact for weeks sometimes months at a time a sign of emotional abuse?
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