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By federal law, yes. Federal law prohibits "Undocumented immigrants."

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Q: Can a non citizen registered alien legally own a handgun?
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What if you belong to two countries?

You are legally a citizen in one country, and only a resident alien in the other.

What does the word alien mean rto the constitution?

Anyone who has come into the country illegally because they are not a registered US citizen. :)

Can an illegal alien living in the US legally marry a Canadian citizen in the US?

Is the Canadian citizen also an American citizen or holds citizenship. if so then yes if not then. Technically no. This is because neither party holds a current American citizenship. If the Illegal alien was to marry upon Canadian territory then apply for american citizenship or Visa. But other wise legally no. However they should check.

What is a good illegal alien citizen?

'Illegal alien citizen' is an oxymoron.

What is an alien in citizenship?

It means that you aren't a citizen of the country, but you're living in the counrty on a Green card or something. You can legally live in the country.

What is the difference between a citizen and an alien?

A citizen is either born to the country or immigrated and became a naturalized citizen, an alien is someone who is either an illegal immigrant or a visitor whose visa or pssport expired ,then never went back to their own country.

What is the criteria to purchase a handgun in Ga?

Be a Georgia resident with proper ID (a driver's license will work) and a U.S. citizen or resident alien, and have no felonies or misdemeanors involving domestic violence on your record.

If a space alien entered the country would they be an illegal alien?

Yes, because they would not be a natural-born citizen of the United States, or whatever country they landed in. If they apply for citizenship first, and enter the country legally, then no. They would not be considered an illegal alien.

Do you still need your alien registration number if you are already a US citizen?

that's dumb once your a citizen your a citizen so your not an alien anymore

How can an alien get married to a US citizen and attain legal rights?

If the Alien is legal in the USA then they can legally and genuinely get married and file for AOS (Adjustment Of Status) so that the alien may become a permanent resident. However, if the alien is not legally in the USA, he/she must leave, go back to their country. The US citizen may then file for a K-1 (fiancee) visa for the alien. This usually takes a shorter period of time than the AOS. However make sure that there is no 3 or 10 year bar for the alien who may have overstayed his visa or violated the immigration regulations as this may jeopodaize the case and the process may take longer.

Can an illegal alien apply for a US patent?

No, an illegal alien cannot apply for a patent. If you are not legally in the US then why should you have the rights given by the Constitution? -I got a patent as an Illegal alien. I also served subpoenas. There is no law against this. I am now a US citizen. God bless USA !

What is resident alien?

someone who has a visa to live or work in a country without becoming a citizen a legal resident alien is a person from another country that has permission to be in the current country but for a certain period of time.