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That entirely depends upon the value system of the "target" of the narcissist. For the naive, loyal, trusting sorts...the answer is likely "yes." For those who effectively learn from and use previous life experiences to form their value system and this results in useful critical thinking, healthy suspicions or healthy self-confidence....the answer is likely "no." I believe the most confounding characteristic of the narcissist is that "bait-and-switch-and-then-switch-back-to-the-bait" socializing technique of theirs! They're nice. They're a terror. They turn back to nice. On the receiving end, this is...confusing. And for many, especially those who believe all people are inherently "good,"...there's the inclination to cling to the nice-part of the narcissist; a personal hope/belief that the narcissist will somehow BE or RETURN to BEING that "nice" person that s/he first met or has known. It's hard to let go of that nice or charming person whom they initially knew or met...

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Q: Can a narcissist really fool people into believing he likes them and values their friendship?
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How does narcissism affect an individual?

depending on if your the narcissist or just someone around the narcissist..... if you are the narcissist dont worry it wont effect you. You will just continue on with your selfish ways and use people for what they can do for you. If your someone around the narcissist..... RUN- get out while you can. The only way to really survive is to not have them in your life

Insecurity and narcissism?

To say a narcissist is insecure would be to put it lightly. They are PROFOUNDLY insecure. You would be too if you were rejected by everyone, including your parents, for who you really are. It is hard to love and care about someone for who they really are when you dont know who they really are. After all the narcissist has a fake personality which he seems to think people will admire him for but once people see through it, the narcissist becomes very lonely.

Why you celebrait friendship day?

To celebrate your friendships and appreciate all the people that you love and whose friendship you really value.

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You are saying at what age do they stop showing signs of narcissism but they can't because you are saying they are not really a narcissist so how can they!

Will a narcissist leave a woman if she is too strong?

Sometimes not at first because a narcissist likes drama and likes to be around special people in order to feel special vicariously. But if and when she becomes too much for him to deal with he will leave. A narcissist really needs submissive women. Women they can dominate and control and get "Narcissistic supply" heart they are insecure cowards!

How does fan symolises in friendship?

Yea..... a fan doesn't simbolize friendship. Only how you treat that person and the people who love them smbolizes it. Plus, hope that won't be a holiday present.Wait.... unless they live somewhere really really

What happens to friendship if you constantly create fantasies about people and do it every day for extended periods of time?

I don't think it would really change your friendship with someone unless you told them about the fantasies.

After a breakup is a narcissist less likely to contact you if he or she believes you have figured them out?

If they know that you have figured them out, they will not want to be around you for fear that you will tell people the truth. What they really need is help for their problem.

Do looks and personality mean much to the somatic female narcissist?

Not really. It is the conquest that matters - it buttresses and regulates the somatic narcissist's labile emotions and volatile sense of self-worth.

How can you win a settlement in divorcing a narcissist?

By getting a good lawyer. Seriously, that's really the only thing that matters; the fact that YOU THINK your soon-to-be-ex is a narcissist is legally irrelevant.

If you tell your friend he's a narcissist and he freaks out and tells you not to talk to him any more what is his deal?

Few people - especially if they are really narcissistic - take kindly to being called narcissists.

Why do you have to be loyal in a friendship?

You don't "have to" anything-- there are no laws about friendship. But generally, it's about the Golden Rule-- treat other people like you want them to treat you. Especially your friends, because that's part of what friendship means. If you care about a person, you should be good to them in every way you can, and they should do the same for you. Otherwise, it's not really a friendship.