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Girls can do anything they want to! I've asked guys out before. but you have to be able to handle rejection just in case

I would say go for it but be very subtle about it. Its a modern time now girls have every right that guys do.

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Q: Can a girl ask a guy out although a boy should?
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Should a girl be the one to ask someone out or should it be a boy?

It shouldn't matter if you are a girl and you would like to go out with some one then by all means you should ask or vice versa if you are a boy. boy

How can you tell a girl from a boy?

You should probably ask your parents about this. But, a girl a vagina, and a boy has a penus.

Who should ask the other out first boys or girls?

A girl thinks its more traditional for the boy to ask and a boy likes it when a girl asks.

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It doesn't matter who asks who it just usally happens to be the boy to ask because we think it is right for us to ask the one person who we truly like/love.

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No because the boy might don't like you

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When should a boy ask a girl out?

Whenever it's not where or when you say it it's what you say :)

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What are opinions on whether a boy should ask out the girl or the girl should ask out the boy?

the guy should definitely ask the girl!!!!!its rude for a girl to ask the guy and it is awkward for the girl!!!!!the guy should step up and be a man!!!!!!! I agree!!! BUT........ there are exceptions if you know hes never going to step up to the plate and ask you himself but still make sure your ready for the answer and the attention I think girls are more at risk when they ask a boy out, the boy should just do it!!! yea i think that to because if a girl dose it then if the boy doesn't like you he will tell his friends and make fun of you if he is a jerk. I think it is ok if a girl does ask a boy out there is nothing wrong with it if your scared hell say no get your friends to do it because if the boy is quite shy he wont ask you and you'll never no i did it and it was fine no no and no the guy has to ask the girl out. its wrong for a girl to do it even if hes shy No its OK for the girl it just has to be done in a different way, like a note or bring it up in conversation. and for all the nervous boys out there don't worry the first time asking is scary but once you do it you feel go even if she says no, just take the risk. -singleterryj

Can you ask a boy out or should you wait for him to ask you?

Well many times the boy asks the girl out. But if you ask him out then , there might be a awkward moment cause the boy might not like you. So I think it is best just to let them ask you out.

How long should a girl wait for a guy to ask her out before she does it herself?

girl and boy adviceThe amount of time a girl should wait for a guy to ask her out before she does it herself is approximately 3 days.