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yes it is ok 4 a 13 year old 2 want a baby but it is very wrong 4 a 13 year old 2 have a baby tho of course is not 0k,u r juz 13 not 31!!!I think if u really want one,I think u should adopt one then giving birth to one.You hav to be sure that you hav tat kind of resposibility,and do you hav money to take care of he or she.really,think it through PROPERLY!!!!!!!

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15y ago
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14y ago
Yes, you can have a child at thirteen but would it be the right choice to make at this early age! Your just starting Junior High and have so many things ahead of you. Not every girl your age would be able to carry a baby since your body is still growing, and you would have to prepare yourself mentally as well. You always have to think "what if" for example what if my baby is not healthy, what if the father of the child denies it or just leaves us, what if my parents disagree or even kick me out? At 13 would you really have the answers to these questions? Just wait believe me it will be worth it. : )The answer below is okay but come on your probably responding to a 13 year old and you would have lost them in the first line!! Think would you like to ruin your life by not getting a good paying job to support the child, would you like to go to college or university, cause when you have a kid you cant do that you have to stay home to support the kid and what about the father at that age he's not going to stay he'll just leave you and your left alone to raise the kid with no good paying job and no education and what life is that for the kid so before you go and have 'fun' why don't you think before you do it.BTW what about your parents if you go back to school they aren't going to want to watch the kid everyday when they have their own life and what about how they would feel they would be VERY disappointed in you and they would be saying what did they do wrong in raising you! so think before you do!
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13y ago

Girls of 13 are very capable of conceiving children. As long as she has started her period it is possible. However it is illegal to have sex under the age of 16- so obviously having babies at this age would break the law!!

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13y ago

if an 8 year old girl is a parent, then yeah!

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Q: Can a 11year old girl have a child?
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If she has breast, then yeah

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Be honest or get to know them ALSO: Get to know them or get to be a good friends and get a friend to go ask them for you. And if she says no man up and move on brotha.

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Well all you need to do is exersize every day

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yes it is very possible

Would Justin bieber datean 11year-old girl?

That's a little young for him & a little old for you. it wouldn't work.

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she usually stares at u for like 2 minutes with no blinking.

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Legal to love her, illegal to act on it... if you know what i mean.

How do you date a 11year-old girl when you are 11 years-old too?

just date her ask her and date her if your the same age who cares

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Start by calling police and child protective services.