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Yes, but there is absolutely no reason an 11 year old should be having sex! 14 is really young for that too. What is the world coming too. :(

Once a girl starts ovulating she can get pregnant. Do not have sexual intercourse at this age as you are too young and still developing. It can cause serious problems for either of you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, puberty is defined as the process of physical changes in a human which makes them capable of sexual reproduction. If a male has hit puberty, then his testes will have started the production of sperm, which is responsible for fertilizing eggs in females. If the male engages in sexual intercourse with a female, it is possible for her to become pregnant.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No she must have a period before she can get pregnant. But why is an 11 year old having sex with a 16 year old?

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βˆ™ 4y ago

No. It is impossible for the sperm to reach the egg if the girl has not had her period yet.

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Q: Can a 11 year old boy who has hit puberty get a girl pregnant?
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If a 12 year old has gone through puberty, he could get any girl pregnant. He can get his sister or any other girl pregnant.

Can a bot get a girl pregnant before puberty?

no, a boy cannot get a girl pregnant before puberty. for fertilisation to happen, bi=oth the eggs as well as the sperm have to be fertile and mature.

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ANY girl regardless of what she is can get pregnant if she has sex with a boy if she has started puberty.

Can a 11 year old boy make a young girl pregnant?

Yes it is possible , if the girl has already started puberty ... but it is also frowned upon ._. {My Twitter: @Tt_TheWild1}

Can a 6 year old boy get someone pregnant?

A 6-year-old boy cannot get someone pregnant. Boys are able to get a girl pregnant when they begin to produce sperm, which generally begins at the onset of puberty, around ages 11 to 14.The youngest recorded father was 13 years old, which is still after the onset of puberty. Therefore, it is not biologically possible for a 6-year-old boy to impregnate someone.

Can a 15 year old boy get a 14 year old girl pregnant?

Yes this happens all the time. At 15 he should be in puberty and can very well be fertile and so can she.

If kids have intercorse will they get pregnant?

If the kids have gone through puberty, if the girl is ovulating and the boy is producing sperm, yes they can get pregnant.

Can a 11year old boy Get a 10 year old girl pregnant?

Depends on the amount of puberty the kids go through. If the girl has ever has her period then yes. But at age 10 probably not.

Can a 12 year old boy get someone pregnant?

If he has went through puberty yes he can. Yes, if you have developed ejaculate then you can get a woman pregnant.

Can a fourteen girl get pregnant by a thirteen year old boy?

Well it's depends on where you live. I know that in England, it would be the girl who would get in trouble for having sex with a minor

Can 15 years old boy get a 13 old girl pregnant?

Physically yes, if both have passed through puberty.