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  • It sounds like you are getting cold feet. Some women are more attracted to a married man because she may feel she gets to enjoy the relationship including any gifts from the married man without working at a solid relationship and now that he has separated from his wife it appears he is in love with you and is showing you he means business. You cheated with a married man; he cheated on his wife so why would you expect to have solid trust in the relationship you have now with this man. Be aware that separation and divorce are two different things. Separation is not a divorce.
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Q: Can I trust a separated man if I was the one he had the affair with?
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Is making an apology from your spouse affair enough to believe him?

When your husband has an affair and apologizes this is not good enough to fully trust him because he decided on his own to break that bond of trust you both once had for each other by having the affair. Make him earn your trust back and if he really loves you and is not a man that has had more than one affair then seek marriage counseling to help give you the tools to make your marriage stronger.

Can a man have an affair when he is already married?

yes a man can have an affair but one can not be married.he can marrie after divorce of present wife.

Can you have an affair while legal separated?

Yes! Especially if the other person is the one wanting a separation.

Is emotional affair worst than physical relationship?

Of course. For instance, if you are in a relationship and your man/girl has an affair but doesn't love the person he had an affair and only did it because he/she was bored. You would think he/she doesn't deserve you but what if the man?woman have an affair and the one he/she had an affair with is the one he/she truly loves. How would you feel?Whatever answer you have it's the answer to the question.

Does a man always get custody when there is an affair?

No, a man does not always get custody. If one of the people in a marriage has an affair, it is usually the person not having an affair that gets custody of the child or children.For example, if the husband is having an affair, and the wife wants a divorce, the woman (wife) would get the custody of the child or children, and not the man (husband). This is the same vice versa, too.

When a married man says he will make amends to his family is it only words?

It depends on the individual man. If a man made a mistake (example: had one affair only) it is possible that he does want to make amends, but once the bond of trust is broken it will take months to possibly a year or more for his wife and family members to trust him again and he will have to earn that trust. If a married man is noted for cheating or doing something else to hurt the family over and over again then it is not likely he will keep his word even though he may well want too.

Ways to rebuild trust after your husband's affair?

Use your feelings to determine who you think is trustable (I know. . . it's hard, isn't it?) then trust them. But do not ever trust your husband, again. You really do not have to show more than one time that you are untrustworthy.

Who had one army man killed to cover affair in the King James Bible?

King David.

What if a married man has an affair with a divorced woman?

If a married man has an affair with a divorced woman, then the woman that is married to the man is getting an unfair deal, marriage is a commitment promising you will only dedicate yourself to that one person, so by him doing this it makes their marriage void and meaningless.

Who had two numbers one titles decades apart by one man separated by a beast?

Chris LeDoux

How can you trust somebody that cheated on you?

i think that is a very difficult question....i think u have to search deep within yourself and ask yourself ' can i stay with this man without thinking about it everyday and nagging him down about it?if the answer is no, then try to figure out how to walk away rather than to stay and accept

What type of man continues an affair and convinces his wife that he is not when he is?

a man that just does care. love's the thrill of the chase. If you are the one he's having the affair with just stop. If he can lie to his wife and convince her what lies can he be telling you. Ladys a man cannot have an affair with you if you don't allow it to happen. Wake up lady's you have the power, not the man to prevent this from happening, if your not willing to lay with him and be so easy there would be no affair. There are alot of single men out there. You are what you atttract,,let me more smarter okey lady's.