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Obviously. Just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean you can't be friends. If his girlfriend has a problem then its not your fault. Its her problem, but besides that why not? I don't see what can stop you?

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Sure he can. What counts is how he acts on the crush. If it goes beyond the crush stage and into something more and he has a girlfriend then some thing is wrong. Married people and people working together often have crushes on friends and that is just what they are a crush. Nothing happens.

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Q: Can I still be friends with my crush even if he already has a girlfriend?
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Tell them the truth or else someone else is gonna tell him and then he is gonna have a girlfriend be honest with him if he doesn't like you still like him or look gourgous for him and bring food to school he will be all over you boys like to eat

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dear lover, even if he has a girlfriend, you can still be friends and stay close to him. DO NOT try to ruin his relationship with his girl. If they ever break up, go in. Hope this helps. SOMEONE WHO LOVES TO HELP PEOPLE

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Please check previous questions asked such as this by yourself as it has been answered & Good Luck.

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you cant be both friends and couples so if you get togheter you cant be friends, but you are a couple, but if you don't get togheter you are still friends you are just not a couple.

How do you get a girlfriend age15?

There are not any particular steps for this. But still if you want a girlfriend first see if you like any girl (crush). Then ask her out to go out with you.