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Could be anywhere around 12 or even in your mid teens; it really depends on how fast you mature.

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Q: At what age do you start to have like a lot of Teenage Emotions?
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Self-conscious emotions typically begin to arise around 18-24 months of age. This is when children start to become aware of themselves as individuals and begin to experience emotions like embarrassment, guilt, and pride.

Why do you have to be thirteen to have bebo?

That Is the age of which the teenagers start from. The reason why It Is as It Is Is Because Bebo was intended for teenage people.

What age do you have to be to start taking birth control pills?

The first year of your teenage-life, (13 yrs. ) It is recomended to start taking the pills so early to prevent an early teenage pregnancy crisis.

How old do you have to be to be a directioner?

Any age. Usually teenage girls to be honest. LIKE ME.

What age do girls get peirods?

Well girls can get it anytime from tween to teenage years. The most average age is from 12-14... some start later or sooner.

Is it unual to not have a period an age 15?

With some people it is known in their families to not start their period until late teenage years.

What do teenage girls like in boys height age or personality girls only?

Girls worth liking will like our personality.

How early do human display emotions and what are they?

Humans start displaying emotions at a very small age. Even the new born baby sometimes shows smile. They can be of happiness, Sadness or anything.

How old you after be when your a teenager?

13 is when you turn into a teenager and 14 is a 'used to it' teenager and when you hit age 18 your teenage years are over and you start adulthood.

When do teenage girls start liking guys their own age?

That other guy is right. Age is just a number but the age when it would feel rightf for me to start kissing alot would be 14-15 and on... idk im not u but around 13 girls start to feel certain passion and affection for guys or girls.

Is certain music bad for you?

Yes. Whatever teenage girls like is poisonous to anyone over the age of 24.

Is curiosity of doing such thing is one of the major factor of teenage pregnancy?

Teen age pregnancy is concern all over the world. The hormones are jerking at this age. It is very difficult to control the emotions for the teens. They need to be given the sex education. There is difference of opinion about the handling of the situation.