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Yes, it is possible if you both make an effort to do so.

My father and I are slowly repairing a relationship that had been destroyed as a child. it has taken many years, but I can understand more on why he was the way he was. It doesn't make it right, but it helps to understand.

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Q: As an adult is it possible to develop a healthy relationship with a parent who was abusive to you as a child?
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Is it a healthy relationship if you met a guy who seemed to be into you at first but later swears at you and is verbally abusive?

Yes, yes it is

If a man showed abusive signs early in the relationship but now acts mentally healthy what are the chances he is still abusive?

if he want to commit sadist acts with you such as murder, bondage, or bestiality, then he is prolly still abusive.

What are some adjectives that describe healthy relationships and begin with the letter N?

One adjective that describes a healthy relationship is nurturing. example sentence: She left an abusive relationship in hopes of finding one that is more nurturing.

How you do keep yourself from sabatoging a healthy relationship after leaving an abusive one?

Answer The worst thing anyone can do after getting out of an abusive relationship is to get involved with anyone on a serious level if you haven't gotten proffessional help first. Some people can walk away from such things as an abusive relationship, but not many are that strong. If you haven't sought some kind of Thearipy perhaps you should as you will always feel threatened when the other person raises his voice to you. Why go through that pain, do something about it first.

Why is it important to have positive relationships?

A healthy relationship is pertinent both physically and mentally, and in some cases, spiritually. It is important to base and develop a relationship on trust, loyalty, and love. If your relationship is unhealthy it is likely to take a toll on your physical state, emotional state, or spiritual state. Most often, this is thought of in an abusive manner; however, this is not always the case. People can find themselves lacking proper connection to a partner from something as simple as differing views or values. A healthy relationship is different for every individual but it always involves feelings of comfort, peace, and happiness.

How are sociopaths in relationships?

Sociopaths are incapable of having healthy relationships. They cannot love, either. Instead, they try to turn anyone with whom they have a relationship into a victim. Their relationships are inherently abusive.

How can once being in an abusive relationship affect future relationships Distrust of people how will the past abuse affect your lifestyle any unhealthy signs to watch for?

Some one who does not understand BDSM posted "being into bdsm is an unhealthy sign" this is a lie. All studies of people into BDSM have shown that most people into BDSM are happy normal people who just have kinks to there life. Most people who are into abusive relationships never get into BDSM relationships. If someone is into BDSM and there is also a abusive relationship going on all you need to do is look for the normal signs of a abusive relationship. Most BDSM couples for the most part have happy and healthy relationships but have a relationship that looks more like the idealized ones from the 1950's and may add play that would look abusive from the outside but is truly not. What I would tell people is take time to talk to both parties and look for the signs of an abusive relationship.

What is the purpose of Co-Dependents Anonymous?

The purpose of Co-Dependents Anonymous is to help men and women to develop healthy relationships. As long as the man and women want a healthy and loving relationship they are qualified for this.

Can conflict be healthy in a relationship?

Conflict is not healthy for a relationship it cause negative energy

What adjectives describe a healthy relationships and begin with the letter h?

A healthy relationship is happy. A healthy relationship is honest and helpful.

Individuals in a healthy relationship will have friends and activities beyond that specific relationship?

Yes, but if it is a healthy relationship then they will also have friendship and activities within the relationship too.

How do you use relationship in a sentence?

im in a healthy relationship