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Q: Are you supposed to take a new line when someone's talking?
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Can you take someones cellphone by force?

you can but it is ilegle

You can sit on it but can't take it with you?

Someones lap.

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If your talking about improving someones chance of getting the job then you and the person could research the job and have the person introduce him or herself to the employer and state the interest in the job. Maybe offer to volunteer in a certain area or take another position which is easier to get into then move up once hired within.

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Sing them a song.

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you cannot press your two fingers hard on someones pulses

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It means to be neutral. Not to take someones side

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If my son found a dog and brought it home but the dog didn't have a tag can the owner's just get it from my backyard with out my permission?

I'm pretty sure your not supposed to go into someones back yard and take a dog. Good luck with that! =)Yes they can if they have proof, such as a microchip.

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you jump up on someones shoulders and catch the BALL!