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Yes, there certainly are. Although they are trying to change their image, bare bottom spankings are still quietly administered on a regular basis in many homes and private institutions in England. I work with a girl from the Ukraine. She is in her twenties now but said that she and her brother were both paddled regularly by their father on their bare bottoms with a hair brush well into their late teens. She said this was not uncommon where she was raised. Spanking has definitely fallen out of favor as an acceptable form of discipline in America and in many states, a father spanking a teenager on the bare bottom, especially his daughter, can cause all kinds of legal woes. I'm only 39 years old and when I was a kid we got our bare butts spanked all the time, and so did most of my friends. I remember the feeling of absolute dread and awful anticipation that would sweep over me when my father would tell me he was going to spank my bare bottom. This all changed within my lifetime. I would be willing to guess that it is still quite common among certain religious groups like Jehovas Witnesses and the Mormons where there is still an emphasis morals and discipline and where there are strong male authority figures. I have a friend who was a Jehovas Witness who told a story about watching his 16 year old brother get his bare butt paddled with a wood paddle after his dad discovered a huge stash of pornographic magazines hidden in his bedroom. I guess what I am saying is yes, there are still places where teenagers get their bare bottoms spanked when they misbehave.

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