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no, they are not, polygamy is against the law in every civilized country.

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Q: Are poligamist legally married to other wives?
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Meri is the only wife legally married to Kody as she was the first wife he married. The others he is married to in spirit

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4 wives but was not legally married with the last one.

If a man has seven wives does that make the wives wives with each other?

The wives are not wives with each other. They are just married to the same man.

How do the sister wives and their husband afford 4 different homes?

He is only legally married to one, the others were married to him in a religious ceremony, not a legal one. How that happened is they all met him and liked him and were willing to share him with other wives.

What are polygamist wives to each other?

It depends on the culture, but many polygamist wives refer to the other women married to their husband as 'sister wives'.

If a Muslim man from Iraq who legally married 3 wives there moves to the US and seeks citizenship will the government prosecute him for polygamy?

No, but they will not recognize him as being legally married to his second and third wives. Only the first wife will be a legal wife. If he continues to live the life of a polygamist, he may be prosecuted for bigamy or adultery, depending on the state he lives in.

How do you get married when already married?

In the Western World you can only be married to one person at a time. You cannot get married to someone else until your first marriage has been legally dissolved. Some Asian, African and Muslim countries allow a man to have plural wives. See link.In the Western World you can only be married to one person at a time. You cannot get married to someone else until your first marriage has been legally dissolved. Some Asian, African and Muslim countries allow a man to have plural wives. See link.In the Western World you can only be married to one person at a time. You cannot get married to someone else until your first marriage has been legally dissolved. Some Asian, African and Muslim countries allow a man to have plural wives. See link.In the Western World you can only be married to one person at a time. You cannot get married to someone else until your first marriage has been legally dissolved. Some Asian, African and Muslim countries allow a man to have plural wives. See link.

Who where the names of Adolf Hitler wives?

Hitler was legally married once - to Eva Braun - less than 24 hours before he died.

Who was married to Kublai khan?

chubie... i think that's how you spell it. He had 4 kids with her and then he married 4 other wives.

You have two wives. One is with you in us and the other one is in your native country. You have the permanent residency. Can you bring your wife and children in your native country to the US legally?

They are welcome to move here legally, but if you continue to be married or if you even act as though you are married you will be breaking the law. Added: You also will not be able to take advantage of any immigration policies meant to assist spouses of US residents.

Can you have lip to lip kiss with married woman?

The only people who can answer that are the married woman and her husband. Every couple has their own set of rules. Some husbands feel uncomfortable with their wives hugging other men, other husbands are okay with the wives having sex with other men.

Do you get your husbands things when he dies?

It depends on what is written in the will. If there is no will then yes, normally.Added: In the US if you are legally married according to the laws of your state,normally, wives cannot be entirely dis-inherited by their spouse.