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Q: Are physical therapist men or women?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a massage therapist and a physical therapist?

Well a message therapist uses messages to help you and a physical therapist uses physical exercises to help you.

How men and women react in different situation?

Men are good in the physical type than women. Women are more intelligent than men

Can physical therapist work on animals?

can a physical therapist work with animals?

How do I train as a physical therapist assistant?

To become a physical therapist assistant, you are required to have an associate degree in physical therapist assisting. Licencing requirements vary from state to state.

What professions require a license?

Athletic Trainer, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Physical Therapy Facility Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Rehabilitation Counselor, Educational Psychologist Architect

Do you ned a masters degee to become a physical therapist?

a physical therapist must have a doctorate now

Who abuse more?

It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women. It depends on the type of abuse. Verbal abuse tends to be women a bit more than men and physical is definiately men more than women.

What is the plural of physical therapist?

Physical therapists

Do you have to be a physical therapist in order to have a physical therapy l.l.c or company?

you need to either be a physical therapist or a physician to own a PT company.

How can I earn physical therapist certification?

To earn your physical therapist certification, you must graduate from a physical therapy program accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association’s Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. After graduation, you must pass the National Physical Therapist Examination.

Why do girls and women become obsessed with men who are like Hercules?

Some women are attracted to the physical appearance of strong and healthy looking men.

What does he compare men and women?

He compares men and women in terms of their physical characteristics, roles in society, communication styles, and emotional expressions.